Economics, Management, Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy: Why should everyone know about these five disciplines?


Whether you are an engineering student or a medical student doing an internship, or even an online Python course applicant to find new job opportunities or a graduate of social sciences, if you do not understand these five scientific fields, you almost do not know the world around you. Even those who have long distanced themselves from academia and study are likely to need the mentioned five areas in their lives.
Studying and knowing about economics, management, psychology, sociology, and philosophy can be so fascinating that it will nail you to different books for hours. However, according to scientifically proven hypotheses, we humans make choices based solely on our needs if we are not interested in something. The good news is that these five branches are likely to release pleasure hormones into your brain, so they are interesting, and you will soon need them in life. If you did not know anything about these areas, get started.

1. Economics

We live in a world where our desires are many – and to some extent infinite – but we have few resources to satisfy those desires. So human beings make choices based on the main priorities of life and their needs. Examining these choices is the basis of economics. It may introduce you to the importance of economics. Because it is our choices that make us, make us happy or unhappy, make us successful or unsuccessful. In a world where capital, money, labor, welfare, and all material and spiritual dimensions are tied to the economy, does it make sense not to know anything about economics? Those who experience the sweetness of understanding economic issues may never give up.
Let me ask some questions. Would you like to know if marriage is a romantic act and love is the cause or not? What would you suggest if someone asked you for a gift? A cash gift or merchandise gift? Are Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok free or do you pay for them? How much should we study on exam nights? Is the existence of a religious government useful for the growth and promotion of religion? How many members do you think should be accepted in a gym?
You may be surprised, but all these questions in economics have scientific answers. Please do not ask how. Get down to business and study economics. There are several sources to begin with, but my main suggestion is the excellent book “Principles of Economics” by Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, and John List, published by Pearson Publications. This book is phenomenal, especially for people with higher education.

2. Management

Have the world powers become the top countries with their technical abilities or soft capabilities such as management? This question is a little confusing; Because they certainly have the upper hand in both. But if we want to find the answer, we are faced with an old and unanswered question that asks, which came first, the chicken or the egg? 
What about an organization or an individual’s life? Does a successful organization have successful management or high technical knowledge? Or does a successful person have more technical skills in life or a better plan and strategy? Or, for example, Elon Musk _the most admired person in the business world these days_ has reached his current position because of his technical knowledge, or with the intelligence of managing people and gathering a handful of geniuses by his side? These questions are tough to answer.
The impressive thing is that whatever the answer to the above questions does not diminish the importance of management. If you ask those around you, you will find few who claim that knowledge and management skills are useless. The fact is that the knowledge and skills of managing the programs, events, people, and systems around us are essential. Knowledge of management is vital in personal life too. For example, when you want to enroll in your city’s MBA college course to get a degree or start playing the piano to be a pianist, this is a type of managerial activity. Because when you decide to achieve something, you are setting goals, developing a strategy, planning, and organizing. In today’s modern organizations, the need for good management is quite reasonable and accepted.
As a result, we have to read management if we want to know the answers to questions such as: what is going on in the world of management, what branches it includes, how it is possible to run a small or large organization, how to communicate with people and how to manage them, how can we manage ourselves, our time, our networks, our career path, our stress, our abilities. For a start, you can use the admirable book “How Management Works” by DK.


3. Psychology

If you are asked to tell ten topics that the media covers more, is talked about in movies and TV series, there are best-selling books in that area, a lot of social media videos about it is, You will most likely mention psychology and its wonderful world. Evidence shows that we live in a world where mental health is becoming more and more serious. We care more about mental health than our parents. People want to be healthier, happier, and more enjoyable than ever before. This comfort requires knowing the source of all our feelings, emotions, attitudes, perceptions, and ultimately our sense of contentment, our mind.
Understanding the generalities of psychology helps us to know ourselves better. The better we know ourselves, the better we can handle our problems. As a result, we live better. When we live better, we will probably be happier and more satisfied. Is it easier to be happier and more satisfied? Unfortunately, the answer may be no, and being happy is not as simple as reading a book. But consider a situation where you do not even know these simple concepts. Imagine not knowing how to view and interpret the world. Imagine where you do not know where the root of your occasional anxiety is. Suppose you do not know how change and improvement _two keywords that are the ultimate purpose of psychology_ happen. Or are change and improvement possible in life at all? Psychology helps you with this. Many books cover this area. Try to read a book that is scientific or at least semi-specialized due to a large number of Yellow Pages in psychology. The 800-page book of “Psychology” by Saundra K. Ciccarelli and J. Noland White from Pearson Publications, though detailed, is accurate and engaging. It also has a charming cover!

4. Sociology 

I believe sociology is a subject that all students in any field should study. Even my personal opinion is that it should be included in the curriculum of all academic disciplines. The first question that definitely comes to your mind is why. This question can be answered from different perspectives, but I intend to answer this question from my point of view. Before that, I need to say that I have a postgraduate degree in engineering, so I probably do not have any bias towards the humanities and social sciences. Let me tell you about the importance of sociology.
We all live within a community. Human life, growth, and prosperity took place in society. So, of course, all of our social and economic relationships, including birth, family formation, education, relationships, jobs, income, fame, and anything else you can think of, happen within society and in interaction with other people. If we were alone _that we are not_ we would not need to understand what is going on in the society because there was basically no society. Humans in society begin to learn and apply what they have learned. If there is a scientific field that covers this range of topics, it might be exciting and valuable for us.
I feel the beauty of sociology lies in the variety of its subjects. It would be interesting that many topics that you talk about to your friends, family, or co-workers every day are covered by sociology. You can easily find matters such as culture, gender, sexual orientation, health, illness, deviance, family, crime, poverty and welfare, race and ethnicity, immigration, work, mass communication, education, religion, urban life, and environment in any introductory sociology book. “Sociology” by the famous sociologist Anthony Giddens, which is a little too thick, can keep you busy for a long time. More concise versions are also provided by the author.


5. Philosophy

You will find the deepest and heaviest subjects in philosophy. Philosophy is both pleasant and complex; Because philosophy is about the fundamental questions of human life. The problems are simple and understandable, but the answers often challenge your brain. It is attractive and captivating. Maybe that’s why someone who starts it becomes a part of their life. Philosophy is like a pretty yet arrogant, charismatic, yet warm person.
What is the purpose of our human life? To be happy? What does happiness mean now? What does goodness mean? Why should we be good and do good? Should we be good individuals or, does it not differ from being good or bad? Do we really need to know what the end of life is? Or are these just unanswered questions? These questions will constantly challenge your mind. Do not be afraid philosophy will not make you obsessive, of course, if you are lucky.
Among the sciences mentioned above, I think philosophy is something else. Some scholars do not consider philosophy to be essentially a science. The difference between science and philosophy is itself a long story that is talked about in philosophy itself. The good news is that you will find many of your deep inner questions in philosophy, and you will be happy to find them. However, new questions will arise in your mind, so welcome to the maze of philosophy. Nigel Warburton’s “Philosophy: The Basics” would be a good start.

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